In a dark land devoid of Auckland-based Warmachine events, there is new light on the horizon. The first event in this new and better age is Luke Brimblecombes Auckland Steamroller 2012. Or as I like to call it, BrimbleCon. A 1 day, 42 point, SR2012 event, BrimbleCon has offered me something of a conundrum. Cut down my Rallypoint lists to fit or take something completely different.
The fact that I won't be able to get my hands on the eShade model until the day of BrimbleCon helped the decision. I could run a version of my eShade Kraken list if I am willing to glue him together on the day and use him unpainted. This doesn't sit well with me as I am one of these people who likes to field painted models all the time. (at one point, I wouldn't even play an army at all until the whole thing was painted, not even practice games), so I have decided to try something different again.
The first list was easy. In my collection, I have a caster that I have never taken to a tournament. Indeed, I have only played 1, maybe 2 games with him ever.
Lich Lord Venethrax (+6)
Skarlock Thrall
Min Bloodgorgers
Gerlak Slaughterborn
Full Bloodwitches
Bloodhag UA
Min Bile Thralls
Pistol Wraith
Pistol Wraith
Warwitch Siren
Warwitch Siren
Machine Wraith
Reinforcements: Reaper
This list has a couple of facets to it. Firstly, it exploits Vennys interaction with continous corrosion. It also accents Big V's prowess vs Hordes with the Blood Hags entropic force. The Biles at first seem counter-productive, being that any infantry killed by a purge is one less soul to be consumed, but they work well in conjunction with his cloud making feat.
The second list is really just because I want to see how the Kraken works with everyones favorite spider-legged genius.
Master Necrotech Mortenebra (+4)
Necrotech and Scrap Thrall
Necrotech and Scrap Thrall
Warwitch Siren
Warwitch Siren
Reinforcements: Reaper
3 Scrap Thralls
A Tier 3 list, this list does nothing more than let me play the Kraken with Terminal Velocity. I may change it tTier 4 before the event by dropping the Defiler for another Slayer, but recent testing by Dave suggests an Arcnode to cast Void Gate through is quite a handy thing.
So we will see how we go. I probably won't get any practice with these lists before the event, but that doesn't phase me that much. I am just happy that Auckland is finally getting more events and I will be doing my best to attend them all.
3 years ago
good luck, at BRIMBLECON