Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Legion of the Noob - Ides of March part 3

(**Going to change up the reports and only cover the highlights/general thoughts on each game. Things have been getting really long and rambly**)

Game 5: Peter Hunter - Gaspy2

Having played Peters Gaspy list a couple of weeks before in the Dojo and been smashed, I decided to try something different and dropped Absolonia instead of Lylyth. Unfortunately, the result was much the same. Although I managed to shoot Gaspy in the face with a Ravagore on turn two, he failed to do the decent and just thing and burn to death, although he did stay on fire all game. While I managed to kill a bunch of banes, my Ravagore missed a final boosted shot at Gaspy. His feat wiped out all my beasts and by the time Peter had won on control points, Absolonia was the only model I had left on the table.

Game 6: Tony Vodonovich - Lylyth2

I dropped Absolonia again as I feel she has good game in the Legion mirror (Saeryn not withstanding). She generally out threats other Legion casters and her beasts tend to hit harder on the turn that matters.
We traded Deathstalker shots early on and he got to feat first, which killed the Scythean and the Seraph and set the Carnivean and Ravagore on fire. On Absolonias feat turn, she proc'd Conferred Rage by killing Zuriel and damaged the Angel. Although the Shredder and Naga left the Angel on one box, the Carnivean did what the Carnivean does and bit Lylyths head off.

Game 7: David Cameron - Doomshaper1

Dropped Absolonia again as I knew there was no way I was going to shoot Trolls off the table. I tried to assasinate Doomy, despite his feat being up. The Carnivean failed to kill Mulg, while the Naga and Seraph cleared a landing space for the Scythean, who ended up falling an inch short of Doomshaper.
That was pretty much all she wrote at that point. David ended up winning on CPs, but not before I managed to Blightbomb Mulg to death, which amused me greatly.
It wasn't until the day after that I realised that I had forgotten to Slipstream the Scythean. DOH!

So 3-4 for the weekend, but I felt that I had put myself in a position to win the four games I lost and came away feeling quite good about where I was at with Legion.

I did decide to make a couple of changes to the lists for the Auckland open, mainly in the hope of shoreing up my Cryx drop, as I don't feel like Lylyth2 is there yet, although I know she could be. We will see how things go.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Legion of the Noob: Ides of March part 2

Game 3: Dave Dawn - Xerxis2.
Game 3 saw me sit down across the table from the most evilest of Daves. Dave was running Xerxis in his Rhino shaped wheelchair, along with a Archidon, Molik and a bunch of assorted Cyclops. I drppped Absolonia again.

Dave went first, cast Mobility and ran everything foward. In return I moved up aggressively and the Seraph on the left of the table dismounted Tyrant Radeem.
 Daves second turn saw my Shredder and Naga die to Molik Khan before he sprinted back. Radeem moved ran behind my lines hoping to tempt Abby away from her beast brick. The Shaman and something else (I can't read my own writing) shot down both my Deathstalkers. All the Cyclops bricked up around Molik. The large clump of Cyclops was all the invitation I needed to do what Abby does best. She pooped her feat, flew over to Radeem and punched his face in to trigger Conferred Rage before teleporting back into range of her beasts. What followed was an epic savaging that netted me both Raiders, the Savage, the Shaman and Molik Khan. I also managed to get a couple of shots in on Xerxis with the Scythean, which he transferred to the Archidon.
 Not having many options left, Dave saw an opportunity for the assassination. Xerxis feated, then used his Rhino to pitch the Scythean out of the way. He then charged Absolonia with the Archidon and my bottom clenched just a little although I was sitting on 3 transfers. After the dust had cleared, Abby was on around half health and the Seraph was dead to transfers. Absolonia retaliated by killing the Archidon. The Scythean stood up and walked into Xerxis to try and tie him down and the Ravagore did its best to finish him off, but fell just short.
 Xerxis went into survival mode (aka run away mode), using a rideby attack to pitch the Ravagore away and kill the Scythean before backing off as far as possible. This time, I was able to force the Ravagore to shake the knockdown. Absolonia killed some paingivers to trigger Conferred Rage and cast Psycho-surgery before the charging Ravagore finally managed to finish the job.

Game 4: Dave Wilson - Morvahna2.
So, I sit down at the table and hand Dave my lists. He then tells me he has no idea what either of my casters do. So, like a complete asshole, I drop eLylyth. I went first and we both moved foward at speed. Notably, an order of activation mistake prevented Morvahna from getting close enough to the wall to be in cover, leaving her in the open and in range with only two transfers.
I popped Lylyths feat on the top of two. The Naga and the first of the Ravagores managed to strip both her transfers and leave her on four boxes. Sweet I thought, this is in the bag. Second Ravagore aims and misses with his first shot. No problem, still have one more. Nope. Second shot misses as well. Bugger. This is not good. And I didn't even light her on fire.
 Dave then set about punishing me for my failure. The Warpwolf killed Zuriel and the Naga. The Skinwalkers killed the Blightblades tying them down while the two unengaged ones tried to kill Lylyth but failed. Morvahna moved behind the wall after her massive scare the turn before. Needing to strip three transfers and hope Morvahna burnt to death, Lylyth managed to strip one transfer with her bow, but despite thier best efforts the Ravagores could not get the hits required and a Warpwolf ate Lylyth in the following turn.

So the end of day one and I was 2-2, which was honestly better than I expected at the start of the day. I went home to sleep and dream dreams of a 4-3 or better finish.