Monday, January 19, 2015

Legion of the Noob - Part 2: This Legion Shit is Easy

Two posts in a month, truely inspiring.........

Tuesday saw me in the Dojo to play my first ever game with Legion. While Chris and Nick played a game of "who can Deathclock first" (Axis tier vs MMM), I found myself against Matt and the pThagrosh list he has been testing for Ides.

Matts list was:
2 x Scythean
2 x Throne
Black Frost Shard
2 x Shepherds

I decided my first game should be with Absolonia (because I had to proxy less stuff for her list). My list was:

2 x Shepherds
2 x Strider Deathstalkers

I won the roll to go first and everything moved up at a good clip, with the exception of Abby, who cowered behind a convenient wall. The 3 Dragonspawn finished up in B2B for some fortify goodness and they all got Spiny Growth. The Deathstalkers moved around the flanks, hoping to pop his support. Matt moved everything up aggressively, with his Carnivean stopping to spray one of my Deathstalkers.

Turn two saw me make the noobiest of noob mistakes and completely forget about the scenario and hang back out of the zone in some sort of attempt to avoid the alpha strike. The Seraph, Naga and Ravagore all put shots into one of the Scytheans doing a chunk of damage and the remaining Deathstalker failed to hit the Shepherd behind a wall. In response Matt charged my Carnivean with both Thrones, but failed to kill it (ARM 22 is a thing). The undamaged Scythean killed my objective and the damaged one ran up to engage my Scythean and generally be a pain in the ass. Thagrosh moved up into the butt crack of the two base to base Thrones to dominate the zone and go up 3-0 on CPs.

With things not looking particularly good on the CP front, I decided that the best course of action was to kill Thagrosh. To do that, I had to get rid of the damaged Scythean and at least one if not both of the thrones in order to avoid giving away freestrikes on the way to Thags. The Forsaken activated first and did a little more damage to the Scythean. Abby then popped her Feat, charged the Scythean and killed it, triggering Conferred Rage, before teleporting to the corner of the zone. Free of  Matts Scythean, my Scythean then charged the Thrones destroying both of them with a Fury to spare. From there it was pretty much academic. The Ravagore charged Thagrosh and left him on 3 boxes and one transfer before the Carnivean finished him off.

In the post game analysis Matt pointed out I probably didn't need to kill the Thrones as they have Reach and 360 LoS, meaning they wouldn't be getting free strikes as my beasts flew over them. But lets face it, killing them both was always the more enjoyable option.

In my own post game ruminations, I have quickly realised that Absolonia probably works best moving foward aggressively and presenting a strong posture. The threat of her feat is significant and anyone who knows what it does will be rightfully wary of it, which in turn will let me exert scenario pressure and force my opponent to move into my threat range. I probably don't need to keep my beasts B2B for the fortify benefits unless my opponent has things like Drag and the like.

Only having 13 models in the entire army also scares the bejeezus out of me. Coming from the dude-spam of Cryx, having such a compact force is almost a complete 180 from what I am used to and will take some adjustments in thinking to get the most work out of each model.

So one game down and lessons learnt. I am looking foward to getting a lot more games in over Auckland Anniversary weekend at the Dojo, in what Dave is calling "Not-Valleycon". Reports will be forthcoming (in theory).

Now get off my lawn......

Legion Record 1-0

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