Friday, January 9, 2015

Legion of the Noob - Part 1

So, New Year, same old resolution to blog more consistently. Same limited chance of success, but we will see how it goes.

My last few games of Warmachine before Christmas have seen me trying out new things, mainly with the Witch Coven in preperation for Ides of March. Unfortunately, nothing seems to have really geled for me and I find myself drifting back to my old crutches - pSkarre, eGoreshade, Mortenebra et al.. So, feeling jaded and slightly bored with Cryx I have decided to mix things up a bit by playing something completely different.

Enter the Legion of Everblight, winning friends since forever. While I was originally going to slow build a couple of Troll lists to play with this year (and in fact already own a complete 50 point eMadrak list) I quickly realised I would never get that much medium base infantry painted in time to use this year so switched to Legion instead due to their low model count armies and large amounts of model-crossover between lists. While I don't think I can get the models I need brought, assembled and fully painted in time for Ides, I feel like I probably have a shot at getting them done in time for the Auckland Open in April so that is my current goal.

Choosing my first two casters has been relatively easy: Epic Absolonia is one hella sexy biatch, turns her beasts up to 11 and seems to play a lot like Mortenebra, which I like. Epic Lylyth I like for the simple fact she makes people cry, and I am a terrible human being. And while I like the idea of Abby for her similarities to one of my favorite Cryx casters, I also like Lylyth because the whole uber-gunline thing is completely different from anything I have played in Cryx. I have no idea on a third caster yet but I have time to figure that out. First priority is to get some games in to figure out how this whole Fury thing works so I will be a regular at the Dojo in the weeks to come, as well as any other games I can squeeze in.

 Fun times ahead to be sure.

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