Sunday, February 1, 2015

From the Workbench - January

Greetings all,

January has proven to be quite a productive month in terms of painting. Having a target to work towards seems to have helped a lot, as does some vague kind of plan.

Without further ado, here is this months progress:

Lylyth 2

Absolonia 2


2 fully magnetized Heavy Dragonspawn kits.

And as promised last time, pics of the Shepherd and Strider Deathstalker I painted in December.

A good start to the year and I feel like I am on target so far. I still need to buy the remaining bits for my third list, but I am feeling quietly confident I will get everything done in time.

Februarys plan is: Blightblades, Incubi (x5), Zuriel, Naga, Spell Martyrs, a second Deathstalker and a second Shepherd although some of this will probably bleed over into March.

Till next time....

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